Spirituality of the Ordinary

Very well attended meeting this month. We had to move to Rooms B & C due to the Padre Pio event happening in the Hall, but this made for a nice change because of how much room it gave us. The topic was very well received, as we looked at the ways we can find Christ - Spirituality - in our every-day lives. Sarge shared a beautiful story of how a person he had arrested in the past approached him years later and thanked him for the kindness he showed the man during his arrest. David also shared a powerful story of witnessing Christ to a young woman at his clinic who was about to make a very bad decision with her life…and then David had to defend his actions to the girl’s mother - bringing Christ to both women in the process. It’s these every-day moments when we let Christ shine through us that we can make a difference in this world.

Featured Scripture

Luke 5:1-11

Featured Song

“Sovereign Over Us” by Michael W. Smith (Music Video)