“The dignity of every woman is the task of every man.”
That wonderful quote from our beloved Pope was introduced at last week’s Into The Breach conference, and we used it as a springboard for today’s topic discussion.
Today we were blessed to have Fr. Joe join us again, and Deacon Phil was also there. It was also wonderful to have our newest Knight, Brock, join us. Brock led many of his friends to the ITB meeting last week, so it was great to have him join us this morning.
The dignity of every woman truly is the task of every man. This goes beyond just not looking at women with lustful eyes. It means looking at women through the eyes of Christ, and treating them all the way Christ would treat them. Jesus restored the dignity of the woman caught in adultery, in the midst of an angry crowd that was ready to stone her. Deacon Phil shared a powerful story of how he stood up for the wives of his co-workers by removing pornography from his former workplace and changing the culture of the environment at his work. We are all called to stand up for our sisters and defend/restore their dignity.
Featured Scripture
John 8:2-11
Featured Song
“Priceless” by For King & Country (Music Video)