The meeting was a week later this time, and was the first Saturday of the month instead of the last, but it was still nicely attended considering all of that. Today we opened the floor to all of the men so that we could hear personal stories/testimonies from the guys. The stories that were shared were amazing. It’s always incredible to see where God has operated in the lives of those around us. It was a beautiful way to kick off this Advent season.
We also gave a shout-out to our devoted brother, Greg Conner. Not only has Greg not missed a single meeting in over two years, but he also provides eggs for us every month. We’re blessed to have Greg in our group.
Chris found this conversion story, and he wanted to share it with everyone. It’s the story of Roy Schoeman, a former Professor at Harvard Business School, as he speaks about his acceptance of atheism when he went to university and how it dragged him into a pit of hopelessness. He shares how God personally intervened in his life in a miraculous way. Now working as a Catholic speaker and inspiring thousands of believers and nonbelievers with his story, he has found the true meaning of life and the overflowing ocean of God's Love… Conversion Story
Featured Scripture
Romans 13:11-14
Featured Song
“Breath of Heaven” by Amy Grant (Music Video)