We enjoyed a really wonderful Fellowship Meeting this morning. We welcomed back some brothers we haven't seen in a really long time, and we also welcomed some brand new men to our group (thanks for joining us, Phil and Ray!).
Today's meeting featured a presentation from some Guests from St. Vincent de Paul. Chris Sariego, Director of Public Relations & Marking for SVDPLA, gave us a terrific overview of the history of this ministry, and what they do for the homeless of Los Angeles. Chris brought with him two volunteers who work with the local SVDP chapter at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Dr. George Gabison and Deacon Steve Hillmann. All three men gave inspiring talks, and challenged us to do more than simply pray (which is still very powerful) - but to try stepping out of our comfort zone and physically act to do something to help the homeless in our area. For more information, please check out the St. Vincent de Paul website: svdpla.org
Featured Scripture
Matthew 25:34-36, 40
Featured Song
"We Are The Light Of The World" by Jean Anthony Grief (Music Clip)